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Config Structure

This Document documents the types introduced by Ancientt for configuration to be used by users.

NOTE: This document is generated from code comments. When contributing a change to this document please do so by changing the code comments.

Table of Contents


AdditionalFlags additional flags structure for Server and Clients

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
clients List of additional flags for clients []string false
server List of additional flags for server []string false

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AnsibleGroups server and clients host group names in the used inventory file(s)

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
server Server inventory server group name string true
clients Clients inventory clients group name string true

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AnsibleTimeouts timeouts for Ansible command runs

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
commandTimeout Timeout duration for ansible and ansible-inventory calls (NOT task command timeouts; default: 20s) time.Duration false
taskCommandTimeout Timeout duration for ansible Task command calls (default: 45s) time.Duration false

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CSV CSV Output config options

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
separator Separator which rune to use as a separator in the CSV file (default: ;). *rune true

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Config Config object for the config file

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
version Version right now is just 0, so we can keep track of config structure versioning. string true
runner Runner Runner configuration to use. Runner true
tests Tests List of Tests to run. []*Test true required,min=1

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Dump Dump Output config options

Field Description Scheme Required Validation

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Excelize Excelize Output config options. TODO implement

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
saveAfterRows After what amount of rows the Excel file should be saved (default: 1) int false required,min=1

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FilePath file path and name pattern for outputs file generation

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
filePath File base path for output string true required,min=1
namePattern File name pattern templated from various availables during output generation string true required,min=1

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GoChart GoChart Output config options

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
graphs Graphs definitions of graphs to produce from the testers output data []*GoChartGraph true required,min=1

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GoChartGraph Type and columns for a one or two Y-axis chart (+ X-axis) to be generated based on this information.

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
timeColumn TimeColumn column with the time / interval to use for the X-axis string true required
leftY LeftY name of the column / data column to use for the the left Y axis string false
rightY RightY name of the column / data column to use for the the right Y axis string true required
withLinearRegression WithLinearRegression if a linear regression series should be added to each data series (default: false). *bool false
withSimpleMovingAverage WithSimpleMovingAverage if a simple moving average should be added to each data series(default: false). *bool false

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Hosts options for hosts selection for a Test

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
name Name of this hosts selection. string true
all If all hosts available should be used (default: false). *bool false
random Select Count Random hosts from the available hosts list (default: false). *bool false
count Must be used with Random, will cause Count times Nodes to be randomly selected from all applicable hosts. int true
hosts Static list of hosts (this list is not checked for accuracy) []string true
hostSelector \"Label\" selector for the dynamically generated hosts list, e.g., Kubernetes label selector map[string]string true
antiAffinity AntiAffinity not implemented yet []string false

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IPerf3 IPerf3 config structure for testers.Tester config

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
additionalFlags Additional flags for client and server AdditionalFlags false
duration Duration Time in seconds the IPerf3 test should transmit / receive (default: 10). In case of the Ansible Runner, you need to increase the Ansible runners timeouts.taskCommandTimeout option when increasing the Duration. The Ansible Runner timeouts.taskCommandTimeout option should be set to Duration + some extra time (e.g., 10 seconds). *int false required,min=1
interval Interval Interval in seconds which IPerf3 will print / return periodic throughput reports (default: 1). *int false required,min=1
udp If UDP should be used for the IPerf3 test *bool false

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KubernetesHosts hosts selection options for Kubernetes

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
ignoreSchedulingDisabled If Nodes that are SchedulingDisabled should be ignored (default: true) *bool false
tolerations List of Kubernetes corev1.Toleration to tolerate when selecting Nodes []corev1.Toleration false

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KubernetesServiceAccounts server and client ServiceAccount name to use for the created Pods

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
server Server ServiceAccount name to use for server Pods string false
clients Clients ServiceAccount name to use for client Pods string false

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KubernetesTimeouts timeouts for operations with the Kubernetess API (in secconds)

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
deleteTimeout Timeout for object deletion in seconds (default: 20) int false
runningTimeout Timeout for \"Pod running\" check in seconds (default: 60) int false
succeedTimeout Timeout for \"Pod succeded\" check in seconds (e.g., client Pod exits after Pod; default: 60) int false

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MySQL MySQL Output config options

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
dsn MySQL DSN, format [username[:password]@][protocol[(address)]]/dbname[?param1=value1&...&paramN=valueN], for more information see GitHub go-sql-driver/mysql - DSN (Data Source Name) string true
tableNamePattern Pattern used for templating the name of the table used in the MySQL database, the tables are created automatically when MySQL.AutoCreateTables is set to true string true
autoCreateTables Automatically create tables in the MySQL database (default: true) *bool false

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Output Output config structure pointing to the other config options for each output

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
name Name of this output string true required,min=3
csv CSV output options *CSV true
goChart GoChart output options *GoChart true
dump Dump output options *Dump true
excelize Excelize output options *Excelize true
sqlite SQLite output options *SQLite true
mysql MySQL output options *MySQL true
transformations Transformations transformations to be applied to the output data for the chosen output []*Transformation false

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PingParsing PingParsing config structure for testers.Tester config

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
count Count How many pings should be sent (default: 10) *int true required,min=1
deadline Deadline Quote from pingparsing help output: \"Timeout before ping exits. valid time units are: d/day/days, h/hour/hours, m/min/mins/minute/minutes, s/sec/secs/second/seconds, ms/msec/msecs/millisecond/milliseconds, us/usec/usecs/microsecond/microseconds. if no unit string found, considered seconds as the time unit. see also ping(8) [-w deadline] option description. note: meaning of the 'deadline' may differ system to system.\" (default: 15s) *time.Duration false
timeout Timeout Quote from the pingparsing help output: \"Time to wait for a response per packet. Valid time units are: d/day/days, h/hour/hours, m/min/mins/minute/minutes, s/sec/secs/second/seconds, ms/msec/msecs/millisecond/milliseconds, us/usec/usecs/microsecond/microseconds. if no unit string found, considered milliseconds as the time unit. Attempt to send packets with milliseconds granularity in default. If the system does not support timeout in milliseconds, round up as seconds. Use system default if not specified. This option will be ignored if the system does not support timeout itself. See also ping(8) [-W timeout] option description. note: meaning of the 'timeout' may differ system to system.\" (default: 10s) *time.Duration false
interface Interface network interface to use for sending the pings. string false

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RunOptions options for running the tasks

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
continueOnError Continue on error during test runs (recommended to set to true) (default: is true) *bool false
rounds Amount of test rounds (repetitions) to do for a test plan (default: 1) int false
interval Time interval to sleep / wait between (default: 10s) time.Duration false
mode Run mode can be parallel or sequential (see RunMode, default: is sequential) RunMode false
parallelCount NOT IMPLEMENTED YET amount of test tasks to run when using RunModeParallel (value: parallel). int false

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Runner structure with all available runners config options

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
name Name of the runner string true
kubernetes Kubernetes runner options *RunnerKubernetes true
ansible Ansible runner options *RunnerAnsible true
mock Mock runner options (userd for testing purposes) *RunnerMock true

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RunnerAnsible Ansible Runner config options

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
inventoryFilePath InventoryFilePath Path to inventory file to use string true
groups Groups server and clients group names *AnsibleGroups true
ansibleCommand Path to the ansible command (if empty will be searched for in PATH; default: ansble) string false
ansibleInventoryCommand Path to the ansible-inventory command (if empty will be searched for in PATH; default: ansble-inventory) string false
timeouts Timeout settings for ansible command runs *AnsibleTimeouts false
commandRetries CommandRetries amount of tries before to fail waiting for the server (main) task to start (default: 10) *int false
parallelHostFactCalls ParallelHostFactCalls the amount of host facts calls to make in parallel (default: 7) *int false

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RunnerKubernetes Kubernetes Runner config options

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
inClusterConfig If the Kubernetes client should use the in-cluster config for the cluster communication bool true
kubeconfig Path to your kubeconfig file, if not set the following order will be tried out, KUBECONFIG and $HOME/.kube/config string false
image The image used for the spawned Pods for the tests (default: string false
namespace Namespace to execute the tests in string true max=63
hostNetwork If hostNetwork mode should be used for the test Pods *bool false
timeouts Timeout settings for operations against the Kubernetes API *KubernetesTimeouts false
annotations Annotations to put on the test Pods map[string]string false
hosts Host selection specific options *KubernetesHosts false
serviceaccounts ServiceAccounst to use server and client Pods *KubernetesServiceAccounts false

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RunnerMock Mock Runner config options (here for good measure)

Field Description Scheme Required Validation

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SQLite SQLite Output config options

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
tableNamePattern Pattern used for templating the name of the table used in the SQLite database, the tables are created automatically string true

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Test Config options for each Test

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
name Test name string true
type The tester to use, e.g., for iperf3 set to iperf3 and so on string true
runOptions Options for the execution of the test RunOptions false
outputs List of Outputs to use for processing data from the testers. []Output true required,min=1
transformations Transformations transformations to be applied to Output data []*Transformation false
hosts Hosts selection for client and server TestHosts true
iperf3 IPerf3 tester options *IPerf3 true
pingParsing PingParsing tester options *PingParsing true

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TestHosts list of clients and servers hosts for use in the test(s)

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
clients Static list of hosts to use as clients []Hosts true required,min=1
servers Static list of hosts to use as server []Hosts true required,min=1

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Transformation data transformation instructions

Field Description Scheme Required Validation
key Source name of the (data) column to use for the transformation string true required
action Action transformation action to use on the Source key TransformationAction true required,min=3
from Destination used for the \"replace\" TransformationAction for targetting the key to overwrite string false
modifier Modifier value to use in combination with the ModifierAction to modify the values (e.g., settin git to 1000 and ModifierAction to divison will divise the value by 1000) *float64 false
modifierAction ModifierAction action to run on the values together with the Modifier ModifierAction true

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